// Создаем новую конечную точку для получения JWT токена add_action('rest_api_init', function() { register_rest_route('spb-api/v1', '/token', [ 'methods' => 'POST', 'callback' => 'custom_jwt_auth', 'permission_callback' => '__return_true', // Позволяет любому пользователю обращаться к конечной точке ]); }); // Логика для новой конечной точки function custom_jwt_auth(WP_REST_Request $request) { $username = $request->get_param('username'); $password = $request->get_param('password'); // Проверяем, предоставлены ли логин и пароль if (empty($username) || empty($password)) { return new WP_Error('missing_credentials', 'Username or password is missing', ['status' => 400]); } // Аутентификация пользователя $user = wp_authenticate($username, $password); if (is_wp_error($user)) { return $user; // Возвращаем ошибку аутентификации } // Генерация JWT токена $token = \Firebase\JWT\JWT::encode([ 'iss' => get_bloginfo('url'), // Источник токена 'iat' => time(), // Время создания токена 'nbf' => time(), // Токен действителен с текущего времени 'exp' => time() + (DAY_IN_SECONDS * 7), // Истекает через 7 дней 'data' => [ 'user' => [ 'id' => $user->ID, ] ] ], JWT_AUTH_SECRET_KEY, 'HS256'); // Возвращаем токен и информацию о пользователе return [ 'token' => $token, 'user_id' => $user->ID, 'user_email' => $user->user_email, 'user_nicename' => $user->user_nicename, 'user_display_name' => $user->display_name, ]; } // Удаляем стандартные конечные точки плагина JWT add_filter('rest_endpoints', function($endpoints) { if (isset($endpoints['/jwt-auth/v1/token'])) { unset($endpoints['/jwt-auth/v1/token']); } if (isset($endpoints['/jwt-auth/v1/token/validate'])) { unset($endpoints['/jwt-auth/v1/token/validate']); } return $endpoints; }); December 2020 - DHRC

Archive for : December, 2020

Why Do You Need a Construction Project Management Company?

If you are shouldering the responsibility of building a construction project, then you have to look after some crucial technical aspects. Various phases of the project are required to be overseen complying with all the required regulations of the whole project.

You need to seek valuable suggestions from construction planning and management Iraq service providers. Having a standardized set of strategies to manage the different segments of the project is extremely essential from a practical perspective.

You require such a project management company to oversee your construction plans. There are some valid reasons that back up this claim.

Performing the Budget Management

It is very critical to manage the budget of the project at each stage of the workflow. You have to process it in a desired way so that there is no wastage of resources. A construction management company creates and implements policies that take care of the budget matters of the project. It is hugely important to do the budget management with a professional approach. Consulting with a top construction management company helps you to effectively keep a tab on the expense level of your project in an organized manner.

Scheduling the Tasks and Allotting the Responsibilities

It is not rocket science that the project needs to be divided into manageable segments. The construction management company distributes works among various executives who are involved with the project. Also, there is a tidy distribution of tasks of various scales and natures. You need to depend on the construction management company when you have to move forward the project in a planned way. The company regularly makes a report about the allotted work and completion of designated tasks. By going through the report, you get a clear idea regarding the progress of the project.

Optimal Utilization of Resources

The construction project management company also focuses on optimal utilization of available resources to properly complete the project. In this way, you are able to save costs for the project, too. With the help of the company, you would nicely channelize the required resources for particular workflows in the project.

Giving More Insights

You need a continuous flow of insights about various aspects of the project. The company executives provide these on a regular basis. You can use the insights to further strengthen the prospects of the project.

Timely Delivery or Completion of Project

You have to deliver the project to the concerned authorities. The construction management company helps you in this regard with its expertise and experience.

Avail Advice on Construction Project Management

Get the right advice on construction project management from business solutions Iraq.

Dubai Domain

Five Benefits of Buying Your Own Domain

Having own domain is like buying a small share of the internet space and registering it in your name. A domain is a means to claim a small portion of the vast online space. Businesses with their own domain name are undoubtedly more successful than ones with no domain. A domain creates a unique identity for the business and it is possible to choose a domain name of your choice.

Here are the five benefits of having your own Dubai domain:

Creates a Unique Identity

Purchasing a domain for own business purposes creates a strong online presence. Customized names can be chosen. It is unique and no other business on the World Wide Web will have the exact same domain name. A strong brand identity is created for the business and it gains visibility easily on the web.


Without a domain, it is not possible to stay relevant in this digital era. When everyone is trying hard to claim online presence, a business without a domain will not survive. To stay relevant and up-to-date, buying your own domain name is absolutely essential. With an unlimited number of websites active on the internet, buying a domain is the only way to quickly race ahead of others.

Looks Professional

A customized domain name registered for your business looks extremely professional. It in fact builds credibility and trust. People are ready to engage with businesses that have their own domain. The internet is more relied on than any other medium. People will turn away if they can’t find any substantial information about you on the web. A domain is a way to imprint a professional image on the minds of consumers.

Search Engine Ranks

Search engine rankings are simply not possible without a domain. A domain that contains quality content will rank higher on the search engine results page. With no domain, search bots can’t find the business. Not having a domain is similar to being non-existent. There is hardly any chance of getting noticed. On the other hand, buying a domain will increase the visibility of the business and drive more traffic with each passing day.


The unique and customized domain name that you bought will always be yours. Just renew it periodically and nobody can claim the domain address. Once registered, the business can operate smoothly online for as long as you wish. The domain will continue to generate positive  results for the business all the time.


Without a domain name, you can’t stand a chance to thrive amidst the cut-throat competition. Buying your own domain is the first and foremost step to have a successful online presence for the business.

SEO Agency Dubai

What Are the Various Roles Covered by a Professional SEO Agency?

SEO companies are a great investment in expanding and marketing your business. When hiring an SEO company, you are guaranteed to get the best out of the service. SEO services are generally cost-effective as they help the business boost their clientele. SEO companies are very broad and often offer a variety of services which all contribute towards making your business top of search engines. Services vary, but the roles of an SEO are often pertaining to content creation and logo designing Dubai, amongst other roles. It’s important to discuss what services the SEO company is offering you so you can have a better understanding of how things work. Here are the roles of every professional SEO company.

Website Auditing

Before an SEO company can start working on your website, they need to do an audit to help them understand where you are with your current website and to help them strategize on the next steps and what would work best. This audit involves taking a close look at your website content, URLs, layout, and other technicalities. After this audit, the SEO company is better equipped to design a strategy that will work for your website and ensure you come up at the top of search engines.

Logo Designing

A good SEO company will help you design an appropriate logo for your brand. The logo you use for your business has a huge effect on your conversion rates. It’s imperative to use a logo that best represents your brand and is appropriate for your target audience. A professional SEO company is aware of the importance of a logo for business and their role is to help put your vision to life through designing the appropriate logo for you.

Competitor Analysis

An SEO company looks at your competitor’s websites to help strategize for your business. This can help decipher what works and what doesn’t. Competitor analysis is an important part of the business industry and it can determine the success of your business. A professional SEO company is responsible for analyzing your competitors and altering your business website accordingly.

Monthly Report

An SEO company provides you with monthly analytics of your website’s SEO. Analytics is a good way of tracking progress and it allows you to make necessary changes and strategize in case something isn’t working. Analytics is also a good way for the SEO company to show you how cost-effective SEO agency Dubai is.